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Tomo Brejc: Unfinished Landscapes – Photos from the Exhibition Opening
Photon Gallery Vienna …
Nataša Segulin: QUID ULTRA? – Fotos von der Ausstellung
Photon Gallery Wien …
Vorpremiere: Dokumentarfilm über Stane Jagodič
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zur Vorpremiere eines Dokumentarfilms über Stane Jagodič anlässlich der Schließung seiner Ausstellung am 9. März ...
Hinweis: Die Ausstellung kann nur gemäß den Empfehlungen des Nationalen Instituts für öffentliche Gesundheit besichtigt werden. Pandemie bedingt und den aktuellen Empfehlungen der Regierung, kann es zu geänderten Öffnungszeiten kommen. Wir bitten Sie, vor Ihren Besuch, einen Termin mit unserer Galerie zu vereinbaren.
Tomo Brejc: Unfinished Landscapes – Photos from the Exhibition Opening
Photon Gallery Vienna …
Nataša Segulin: QUID ULTRA? – Fotos von der Ausstellung
Photon Gallery Wien …
Vorpremiere: Dokumentarfilm über Stane Jagodič
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zur Vorpremiere eines Dokumentarfilms über Stane Jagodič anlässlich der Schließung seiner Ausstellung am 9. März ...
PhotoVogue Ukraine Futurespective Open Call

[directlink href=””] The open call is an opportunity for young and emerging talents specializing in fashion and art photography. It is open to those whose work has already appeared on Vogue Ukraine’s pages and to new names waiting to be discovered....
Centrale Festival Open Call 2025

[directlink href=””] Sixteen artists under 30 working with photography and video art will join the next edition of Centrale Festival in Fano, in June 2025....

[directlink href=””] The eighth edition of Belgrade Photo Month Photography Festival will be organized in May 2024, with photography exhibitions, lectures, workshops, portfolio reviews, etc., taking place in various venues around Belgrade, Serbia....
PhotoVogue Ukraine Futurespective Open Call

[directlink href=””] The open call is an opportunity for young and emerging talents specializing in fashion and art photography. It is open to those whose work has already appeared on Vogue Ukraine’s pages and to new names waiting to be discovered....
Centrale Festival Open Call 2025

[directlink href=””] Sixteen artists under 30 working with photography and video art will join the next edition of Centrale Festival in Fano, in June 2025....

[directlink href=””] The eighth edition of Belgrade Photo Month Photography Festival will be organized in May 2024, with photography exhibitions, lectures, workshops, portfolio reviews, etc., taking place in various venues around Belgrade, Serbia....
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